You're about to make a difference in the life of a child with disabilities in Uganda.
We are committed to the wise stewardship of every donation.

Other ways to give:
To donate by check, please mail your donation to:
Ekisa Ministries International, Inc.
8224 W. Charleston - suite 1
Las Vegas, NV 89117
Immediate FUNDING needs

Ekisa Academy buseS - URGENT
Help our students get to school. 40 of the 50 students attending Ekisa Academy ride one of our 3 school vehicles. We are blessed to have 2 specialized wheelchair vans so children can travel comfortably and safely. By donating to this project you are covering the annual cost of fuel, drivers, and maintenance.

Ekisa academy Therapy - URGENT
Provide PT, OT, and SLT to our Ekisa Academy students. Ekisa therapists are at Ekisa Academy each day of the week providing PT, OT, and SLT sessions to the students who are in need. Therapy is such an important part of what we can provide in addition to classroom learning to help each student’s overall development. By donating to this project you are helping to pay the salaries of our wonderful therapists.

Ekisa academy Scholarships
Provide high-quality special education that is tailored to the unique needs of our students. Each of the 50 students who attend Ekisa Academy are able to do so because costs are subsidized. By donating to this project, you are helping pay for our amazing teachers and teaching assistant’s salaries, school supplies and equipment, as well as all other costs required to provide our students with the high-quality, specialized special education that they deserve.

MedicaL CARE
Provide crucial medical care for the children in our Community Care Program. Many of the children that we serve live with significant and complex medical needs. In order to experience the best possible quality of life, many require daily medication, occasional surgeries, and frequent medical reviews in addition to treatment for any chance illnesses. Often the cost of this critically important medical care is beyond what their families are able to afford. By donating to this project you are helping ensure that all of the children in our program receive all the medical care they need to thrive.

Community CAre weekly groups(4)
Provide essential support and therapy services for children with disabilities and their families. Our weekly parent groups are a place for families on our program to gather for community, encouragement, counseling and education, as well as important therapy services for their children. By donating to this project, you are bringing children and families out of isolation and into community, equipping parents to best care for their children and become their strongest advocates, and providing children with essential PT, OT, and SLT services.

community Care program IGANGA
Provide essential support and services for children with disabilities and their families. Our Iganga center currently provides social work and therapy services for ?# of families. Here, families receive encouragement, counseling, and education as well as important therapy services for their children. Through this center, children and families are brought out of isolation and into community, parents are equipped to best care for their children and to become their strongest advocates, and children receive essential PT, OT, and SLT services. We are so grateful for our generous donors who have fully funded this project.

residential medical care
Provide crucial medical care for the children living in our Transitional Residential Home. Many of the children living in our home have significant and complex medical needs. In order to experience the best possible quality of life, many of our children require daily medication, occasional surgeries, and frequent medical reviews in addition to treatment for any chance illnesses. By donating to this project you are helping ensure that all of the children living in our care receive all the medical care they need to thrive.

Student & Staff uniforms
Provide new uniforms for our students and staff. In Uganda, all schools have their own school uniform. By donating to this project, you are declaring that children with disabilities are equally deserving of education and proclaiming the value that we place on our students and their education. Similarly, our staff uniforms are a tangible symbol that recognizes the importance and value of the work that our staff does on a daily basis and by donating to this project you convey the worth of the important work done by our staff.

Provide our staff with the ability to provide improved training and share knowledge in a more efficient manner. The 2 projectors at Ekisa are in high demand as they are currently shared by all departments and frequently used for presentations and training. By funding this project, you help many of our departments to conduct training that improves the lives of not only the children we serve on our programs but also many, many others. These projectors will be used by our school team for special education and inclusion training for teachers from local schools, by our therapy team to continue to improve their knowledge and skills, and by our Training and Equipping team as they equip other organizations to better serve children with disabilities. We are so excited to share the knowledge and expertise our staff have gained with others and to expand the reach and impact of our work far beyond our own walls and programs.

Provide our staff with the computers they need to do their work effectively. So much of the work that we do is made more effective and efficient through the use of well-running computers. By donating to this project you are ensuring that our staff members are best able to serve the families and children we work with — whether it’s our teachers researching activity ideas and planning lessons, our social workers writing reports and managing case files, or our nurses tracking and ordering essential medications.

We have outgrown our current office space. It’s hard to work when you don’t have space to do so, and we currently have more staff needing desks than space to put them, leaving some staff members to float between desks. By donating to this project you can help ensure that all of our staff have office space at our current Jinja location, while also providing us with an asset that can eventually follow us when we move to our new land and permanent space where the container can be used as needed.

Make a gift of any amount and you will help a child with disability get the help and support they need to thrive. -
80% Funded!